Sunday, January 14, 2007

Why are we being singled out?

It appears that we are being singled out by the homeowner's association. Several of the directors are violating the rules that they think are so important for all of us to live by.
Click here to see all the details.


Anonymous said...

It seems to me that if you impose rules on others then you should follow them yourself. It is clear to me that the "director" isn't following the rules.

Anonymous said...

You are being singled out because you don't have the money to fight with and the man knows it. If you had the money to fight him I'm sure this would not have gone this far.

Ria Jairam - N2RJ said...

I think you're being singled out because of the tower. Why else would they go through all of the trouble to make your life a living hell?

Fight the good fight. We all have to fight these condo commandos so we can enjoy our hobby in peace. People these days are so stupid and paranoid, they think the ham tower is going to give them cancer or mess up their TV reception or something. AB2MH

Anonymous said...

just FYI, that "17" sign on the tree was likely put there by the sity or county. They track trees that way.